Hot Flashes, Menopause, Menopause Symptoms, Mood

From the Muck of Menopause

Menopause is mucky. Periods so weird they would scare a lady swamp monster.  Breasts that feel like water balloons ready to pop.   Sleep?  In a bed all night long?  Impossible!

The emotional stuff is even more mucky.  Muck . Muck.  Muck.

When I walk on the marsh boardwalk at Bald Head Island, I get really close to the muck.  The muddy swampy squishy kind of  muck.  I like to lean down and study it.

Then I look up again and see the expanse of marsh in front of me.  What beautiful grasses rise from the muck!

I’m not as lovely as the  marsh, and  I’m certainly not that fresh and green, but from the muck of menopause grows me.

And from the muck of menopause grows you.  Wiser.  Tougher.   Braver.  Smarter.  And even though my kids (or yours) might not agree, we’re cooler too in our own way, despite any hot flashes.

When my daughter Laura was in first grade, she loved a book in which the barnyard critters proclaim, “O lovely mud!”

I won’t go so far as to say, “O lovely menopausal muck,” but I take heart when I think about the green swaying grasses of the marsh.

17 thoughts on “From the Muck of Menopause”

    1. Yucky muck but fun to have you in the swamp. (I seem to be climbing in and out these days.) Just added you to my blog roll. I’m finally catching up on some stuff!


  1. marshes (and the muck) are one of the richest ecosystems. so a wonderful metaphor! pain with pleasure, muck with beauty……….


    1. As you know from our walks together on BHI, you can look into the muck and see hundreds of crabs scurrying around. I feel like hormones scurry the same way…


  2. Gorgeous image – both metaphorically speaking and in fact. I love the marshes… the coolness of them, the quiet, the vastness. Thanks for sharing your images with us, Barb.


    1. Thanks and thanks for reading! Marshes really are intriguing, and this one is gorgeous in all four seasons. Amazing bird life, including blue herons.


  3. I like your metaphor. Muck (and menopause) are like quicksand. . .the more you “fight” it and thrash around, the more likely you are to get stuck and sink into oblivion. By relaxing, you will float to the surface. You’ll still be covered in the muck, but at least you’ll reach the peaceful stage and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings.


  4. Great article Barbara. Love the metaphor. If any of your readers are having problems with night sweats, as I have these past 5 years since I started perimenopause, please feel free to check out Dry Babe – – the only absorbent night sweat sleepwear on the market today, developed by a night sweat sufferer (me) whose goal was to get an uninterupted night’s sleep (happily achieved). Made mainly of natural fibers and priced affordably. If you would like to test it out, please let me know.


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