Menopause, Menopause Symptoms

Not Your Cookie Cutter Menopause

The older I get, the more I appreciate that we’re not all cut from the same cookie cutter.  People are fascinating.   If we were all the same, how boring might that be?


When it comes to The Great Pause, I think one cookie cutter would have been a good thing.

Menopausal symptoms and troubles vary widely from woman to woman.  While you’re suffering from periods that linger for days, you’ve got a friend with hormonal depression and another who hasn’t slept past five AM for three months.

So there’s plenty to discuss, but sometimes we’re such different cookies, that’s it’s hard to get the support we need for our specific woe.

That brings me to this request:  I’m looking for guest posts, especially on aspects of menopause or midlife that I’ve yet to cover or that I haven’t experienced.  If you would like to write one, shoot me an email.

I didn’t have many hot flashes, but we have a cool (pun slightly intended) hot flash post soon off the presses from Meg Tipper.  Edna Brown has written a post on early menopause titled “The Early Bird,” and Dawn Reno is going to entertain us with “Men-o-pause Dating.”

We’ve all got Soul Mates in Menopause somewhere in the universe.  I’d love for this blog to help you find them.

Photos:  Do you have a favorite cookie cutter from your childhood?  My mom had one that was rolled across the dough, cutting fancy circles as it went.  I’m not sure what happened to it.  These are others from her collection.

More Cookie Cutter Info:  Be an expert before the day ends!  Read this article on antique cookie cutters and the history of the cookie cutter.  These are the sort of tidbits you can throw out to wow folks at your next job interview or cocktail party.  Don’t miss the video, either!  Aunt Chick is watching you from heaven and will heap blessings on your next batch of cookies if you pay her just a bit of homage.

6 thoughts on “Not Your Cookie Cutter Menopause”

  1. I don’t understand how so many things in the human body are the same (we mostly have the same parts, the same hormones, the same brains) yet they manifest in such very different ways in us all.


  2. Love your cookie cutters! Dwight LOVES to collect them and recently found so many different types for sale at a neat variety shop that he probably spent 1/2 hour choosing which ones to buy. Beyond the typical stars, camels, and gingerbread cutters he found airplanes, hammers, saws, dogs, umbrellas, etc. Guess people show up that way, too; even though we may look the same on the outside we have some major differences inside. As you say, life would be boring if everyone was the same cookie cutter! (My favorite cookie cutter is a giraffe!)


  3. Liken women to sugar cookies…’cause we’re sweet…no, seriously, thousands of different sugar cookie recipes using basically the same ingredients, and the cookies turn out all delicious but different.


    1. You are right! Excellent analogy. I adore sugar cookies. A lot of folks seem to find them a bit bland, but I could eat them forever.


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