
I’ve been downsizing in preparation for moving in the next one to three years. Husband Cliff and I have bought the model house in a new community very close by.


We’ll leave our 180-year-old house for a brand new one when the builder vacates the model. We’ve lived in our present home for thirty years!

I had LOTS of collections, mostly from my mom, and other accumulated stuff that needed to be dealt with, including the bedroom contents of two now grown up daughters.


Downsizing has forced me to make some heartwrenching decisions and plenty of practical ones. My goal has been for every single object to go to its best use, and to put very little in the landfill. I’ve come a long way toward that goal. I’ve found downsizing to be a meaningful and rewarding experience, and once I got on a roll, I had a great time!

Questions? This is just about my favorite topic. Email me at BKYounger at  If I can do it, you can too. Promise!

Downsizing: Up to the Atticbooks-for-donation

Downsizing: The Recycling Shed


Downsizing: The Silber’s Tin

Silber's Tin

Downsizing: The Bicycle Nightgown


Downsizing: Keeping the Quirk

duke-mug (1)

Downsizing: Take a Photo?piggy-bank

Downsizing: Spare the Pig?


Downsizing: The White Elephant


Downsizing: Glass Upon Glass

Bob Heart

Downsizing (and Upsizing ): Painting Happy!


Downsizing: Finding Happy Homes


Downsizing: New Folks Are Coming!


Downsizing: The Final Goodbye


Downsizing: What to Do with the Trophies

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