
A Coloring Book About Menopause! (And a Giveaway)


A post by Avaeh Kirstopher, creator of a coloring book about one of our very favorite topics: Menopause! Take it away Avaeh, and thank you!

I am Avaeh Kristopher, a woman in my 50s who has loved animals and creating art all my life. I finally decided to create a book about menopause since it’s something I went through a few years ago.

Why? To maybe help people laugh a little bit about it and feel better about themselves through the art of coloring.

I chose bright colors for the cover because typically when people think about menopause, they don’t tend to think bright colors and fun things. They tend to think just the opposite, so I hope this coloring book will change that perception just a bit.

And I hope the sayings and the drawings and all the art inside help make your readers laugh a little bit and maybe even change their mindset some about menopause because, hey, we’re all going to go through it whether we want to or not – may as well have a good time doing it, right?

Giveaway: Avaeh is giving a copy of her coloring book to one lucky Friend for the Ride reader. For a chance to win, please enter a comment by November 25. Thanks!

Amazon Link: Here’s how you can buy a copy for yourself and copies for friends. What a great girlfriend birthday present or hostess gift.

Avaeh tells us more about herself:  I’ve led many lives while here on this planet – child, friend, partner, parent – but I’ve always been an artist too. As long as I can remember, I’ve always loved to draw, craft and sketch, have always had pets and love being in the great outdoors. My friends call me a hippie and that’s okay with me – I take it as a great compliment. I am definitely not the conventional or corporate type – I am much more of a free spirit who enjoys a good joke, colorful language and insightful conversations over high heels and the newest trends in fashion. Give me a tee shirt, jeans and some comfortable shoes any day over all of that and I’ll be as happy as can be. Now I guess I can add author to my list too. I hope you enjoy my new coloring book – hopefully the first of many to come.


6 thoughts on “A Coloring Book About Menopause! (And a Giveaway)”

  1. Hiya Barbara!!! This is so great. My daughter (who is just starting to show signs of menopause) and I love to get together and color would love this—give us a smile while relaxing. Thanks for introducing us to another amazing lady and having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!!
    pamspretties57 at gmail dot com


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