
BlogHer Encore: It’s Mostly a Girl Thing!

My favorite part of BlogHer is the exhibits. Companies show off their stuff, especially what’s new and groovy. Since most of the attendees are women, there’s a focus on all things womansy, from nail care  and makeup to high tech to baby stuff to nutrition and health to fashion to household products.

I was pleased to pick up a novel by Marybeth Whalen in the Zondervan booth. The book’s cover tells me the story begins with a guest book in a Carolina beach house. I love to study the guest books left in beach and mountain rentals and country inns. Should be a fun read!

I’m a button collector, so I was pleased to find some new gems for my button box:

Now that I’m going to be a grandma, baby stuff has popped back into my world.  Hooray!

I picked up this all natural teething gel in case Baby Yet To Know His Name Younger-Monson needs it in about six months. (Is that when they get teeth? Funny what you forget.)

And maybe in a year or so, I can bring him presents in this shiny orange Lorax bag.

But what really caught my eye was this display:

Hologic, a woman’s health company, offers NovaSure Endometrial Ablation (EA).  This procedure is designed for women who suffer from “heavy periods due to benign causes who are finished childbearing.”

This condition plagues many perimenopausal women and can keep a girl housebound. I spoke with the representative about a guest post for Friend for the Ride that explains the procedure. One promised!

Hologic also offers 3D mammography, and I hope to have them do a post on this new type of mammogram, too.

And I sure do like the t-shirt they gave me. That’s about the color I’d like my mother of the bride dress to be. I wonder what Laura would do if I wore it to the wedding? Maybe I could have a skirt stitched on. After all, weddings are a really girl thing!

I’m back to the conference hotel for a comedy show put on by Poise. They’re introducing a line of menopause products. (That guest post and giveway are already in the works.)

I’ll let you know just how funny menopause sounds at the Hilton in the Big Apple tonight. After the show, I’m headed back down to Time Square to marvel at the people and the lights.

Thanks again to Estroven for sending me and to all of you for your good wishes!

11 thoughts on “BlogHer Encore: It’s Mostly a Girl Thing!”

  1. Looking forward to the Novasure guest post. Coincidentally, I was just singing its praises to a friend this past weekend!


  2. I am very interested in the 3D mammography post. Sounds like this has been a productive trip and conference. Hillsborough misses you…..sounds like you will be bringing us some interesting new tales!!


    1. I’d like to learn more. Don’t know if 3D is done where I get my mammograms. Will ask. Due to go soon.


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