Aging, Menopause

French Lessons: Old Love

A few weeks ago, I flew to Paris with my good friends Judy Brown and Lisa Flinn. “One’s destination is never a place,” Henry Miller wrote, ” but a new way of seeing things.”Coming up are five posts with some observations, some new ways of seeing, inspired by the trip.  Allons y!  Let’s go!

The Musee Rodin houses the sculptor’s works, including The Thinker and The Kiss.

But this menopausal museum goer was especially struck by the work of another sculptor, also part of the Musee Rodin’s magnificent collection:  The work of Camille Claudel.

In The Mature Age (1900), Claudel sculpted her grief.

The young one in a love triangle, she lost out, in the end, after  indiscretion, anger, and heartbreak, to Rodin’s much longer and older love, Rose Beuret.

Lesson learned:

Parfois, vieilles amours l’emporte sur tout.

Sometimes, old love trumps all.

The Young One: Camille Claudel

The Older One: Rose Beuret

And the subject of so much feminine admiration:

Auguste Rodin

12 thoughts on “French Lessons: Old Love”

    1. Five favorite quotes: One a day?
      Colors? Decades of your life? Ancestors? Foods with funky, fun deeper significance to you? Lucky Numbers? Favorite pieces of clothing of all time? Emotions? I had the best time working on this series–going to try some more. Thanks!


  1. Ten years ago I spent a week in Paris with a lover. We broke up there, in the Rodin sculpture garden. This brings back that fire of uneasiness, that pain of sweet release. Ends up he had a youngin’ on the side (I was in my late 30’s then, and he was “seeing” a 20 y.o.) – but you know what? Few years later he came crawling back. I just laughed. We don’t have to settle – ever – no matter our age, no matter our collection of wrinkle and sad story. Women entering and into and beyond their Middle Ages hold the secrets of the universe.


    1. Wow. Right there in the garden. I can definitely see it as a good yet dramatic break up place. If only the statues could talk…


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