
Keepin’ on the Sunny Side of Those Shady Hormones


Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,

Keep on the sunny side of life;

It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,

If we keep on the sunny side of life.

I love this old song, written by Ada Blenkhorn in 1899. The story goes that Ada was inspired by her nephew, who used a wheelchair. When they went for a jaunt, he always asked to be pushed down the sunny side of the street.

“Keep on the Sunny Side” was recorded by the Carter Family in 1928, remaining their radio theme song for years. You may remember the song from the soundtrack to Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

Keep on the sunny side…

So how do we do it?

It’s not always easy. In perimenopause and menopause, pesty hormones can bring on some pretty dark storms.

Knowing that moodiness is usually temporary helps.

So does understanding that other women are weathering similar storms. Three cheers for the blogosphere that connects us to the worldwide sisterhood.

Exercise, friendships, pets, music, hobbies, volunteerism, and happy rituals also propel us toward the sun.

Sometimes, it takes real effort.

Sometimes, you have to push yourself. “Move over, dark clouds! I’m steppin’ into the sunlight!”

Any tips for steppin lively with Old Mother Sun despite the changeable winds of menopause? Do share!

Listen to the Carters sing their trademark song:

Suns Above:  No one creates suns like picture book artist and illustrator Eric Carle! Thanks, Eric, for for your upbeat, sunny contribution to the world of children’s books. I can’t wait to buy your book for my new GRANDSUN!

The songwriter below:  Ada Blenkhorn


Early Morning Gratitude Check


Tea kettle on the stove.  Check.

Purring cat on the couch.  Check.

Furnace rumbling in the basement.  Check.

Family sleeping upstairs.  Check.

Day on the horizon.  Check.

Gratitude within.  Check and check.

When is your best time of day for a gratitude check?

Photo:  I bought this papier mache sun on a trip to Mexico about twenty years ago.  Mr. or MRS. Sun greets me every morning when I come into this old kitchen to make my first cup of tea.  I’m a Lipton girl all the way.

Giveaway:  Congratulations to Judy, who won the happiness book.  Happy reading!