
The Madwoman in the Volvo: My Year of Raging Hormones–A Book Giveaway

Sandra Loh

In your senior year of high school, when you have attitude piled on attitude, your behavior is dismissed.  “Senioritis,” everyone says.

But when you’re a menopausal woman, if you throw hissy fits and behave badly, you’re not so quickly excused.

Sandra Loh writes of her bad, bad year in her new book, The Madwoman in the Volvo: My Year of Raging Hormones.


From an affair to the end of her marriage to dealing with daughters to caring for an eccentric dad, she tells it all, and throws in her menopausal woes to boot!

Here’s the description from the publisher:

In The Madwoman in the Volvo Loh speaks hilariously and honestly about her life as a mother, a daughter, and an artist. She recounts her journey through a tumultuous time of life, trying to maintain appearances during an epic hormonal—and that means physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—change. The upbeat conclusion: it does get better.

Along with her  own madcap menopausal adventures and musings, Loh  does a superb job of analyzing the bible of menopause, Christiane Northrup’s The Wisdom of Menopause.

A writer and performer, Sandra Tsing Loh is a contributing editor to The Atlantic and host of the syndicated radio show The Loh Down on Science.  She lives in Pasadena, California.

Giveway:  The publisher has sent Friend for the Ride a galley copy of The Madwoman in the Volvo.  Post a comment by June 25 saying you’d like to win. I’ll choose a winner with the random integer generator (which is how I always choose the winner).


20 thoughts on “The Madwoman in the Volvo: My Year of Raging Hormones–A Book Giveaway”

  1. It sounds like a great book but I would not like to win it because I am afraid I would toss it out or at something. I am not ready yet. As far as Dr. Christiane Northrup, her books have not been well received by me and have been the source of some terse words and been given a heave ho. I am so not ready yet, but best of luck to the winner!


  2. Dr. Christiane Northrup is great. Of course everyone experiences the pause so differently. Looks like a good read!


  3. I would love to win and read this. I had a very rough year that collided with my first son’s senior year in high school. Bad timing that makes me cringe.


  4. Would luv some wit and wisdom on this-would luv to win the book.
    I believe you have to read lots and share lots to make your way through this. Like my mom always says, “it’s like eating fish-eat the meat and leave the bones”. Take away what works for you. Enjoy your blog!


  5. I just got through reading this one! My favorite thing about it is that she isn’t afraid to tell stories about her life, warts and all. Reading about Loh’s experiences with hormones helped me take that first step to do the same.

    Here is a blog I found about the type of hormones that I personally used. I hope this can help some woman find help the way I did:
    – See more at:


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